false alarm - significado y definición. Qué es false alarm
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Qué (quién) es false alarm - definición

false alarm         
(false alarms)
When you think something dangerous is about to happen, but then discover that you were mistaken, you can say that it was a false alarm.
...a bomb threat that turned out to be a false alarm.
false alarm         
¦ noun a warning given about something that fails to happen.
False alarm         
A false alarm, also called a nuisance alarm, is the deceptive or erroneous report of an emergency, causing unnecessary panic and/or bringing resources (such as emergency services) to a place where they are not needed. False alarms may occur with residential burglary alarms, smoke detectors, industrial alarms, and in signal detection theory.


False alarm
A false alarm, also called a nuisance alarm, is the deceptive or erroneous report of an emergency, causing unnecessary panic and/or bringing resources (such as emergency services) to a place where they are not needed. False alarms may occur with residential burglary alarms, smoke detectors, industrial alarms, and in signal detection theory.
Ejemplos de pronunciación para false alarm
1. of a false alarm problem.
Nuclear Brink _ Secretary William Perry _ Talks at Google
2. I don't want have a false alarm.
The Florentine Deception _ Carey Nachenberg _ Talks at Google
3. and it's inevitably a false alarm.
Gone With The Mind _ Mark Leyner _ Talks at Google
4. And they said, false alarm, guys.
Rigor Mortis _ Richard Harris _ Talks at Google
5. that it was a false alarm.
Nuclear Brink _ Secretary William Perry _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de false alarm
1. Many security officials later concluded that was a false alarm.
2. Even a false alarm over agroterrorism can prove costly.
3. "Let‘s hope it‘s all a false alarm," Louisiana Gov.
4. Firefighters later said the alert was a false alarm.
5. A police official at the fair said it had been a false alarm.